Participation Agreement
This year the Big Up Yaself Mini-Youth Conference will focus on the mental health of young people. It is our intention to equip young people with the tools to understand their emotions as well as recognize and respond to challenges in a healthy manner.
As a public service provider, TOYA takes seriously its responsibility to create a protective, healthy and safe environment for its clients. To that end, clients can expect this conference to:
- Conduct a rigorous recruitment and interview process to ensure that staff are suitably trained to work with children and undergo a background check.
- Demonstrate service practices that reflect respect for personal dignity, confidentiality, and privacy.
- Implement Policies & Procedures to help Prevent Abuse.
- Have a clear system of responding to issues, accidents or abuses rapidly and carry out investigations confidentially.
NOTE: The Office of Youth Affairs must comply with the 1998 Children Act relative to mandatory reporting in the event of suspicion that a child is suffering or has suffered significant harm.
As an important stakeholder, TOYA would like to receive your input about our service. You will be asked to complete a survey relative to this event to support our continuing efforts to provide relevant, quality events and programming to satisfy your needs and make improvements wherever necessary. We love to recognize our staff for positive practices too. Feel free to give us a phone call or drop us a line at any time. We welcome your feedback.
On Thursday, the mini-conference will end at 3:00pm. Participants are free to leave utilizing their own transportation, bus, or be collected from the main entrance to Botanical Gardens on Berry Hill.
On Friday the mini-conference will end at 3:00pm and participants will then be shuttled to one of our three community centres at 5pm to participate in recreational activities until 9pm. Those not attending the Community Centres may be collected between 3:00pm and 5:30pm. Collection may take place from the community centres at any time. Please collect your child/children in a timely matter; i.e., on or before 8:45pm. If your child is not collected by 9:30 p.m. and we are unable to make phone contact with designated family members, TOYA staff will engage the Police and/or Child & Family Services.
Please remind your child/children that good behaviour is expected. Our team of Workers are trained in the 1 2 3 Magic discipline technique, which is a simple, precise, and effective way to manage – gently and firmly – the behaviour of children. 123 Magic has 3 Steps to Effective Discipline:
1. Controlling disruptive/undesirable behaviour
2. Encouraging good behaviour and constructive habits
3. Maintaining healthy relationships with your children
Your child is more likely to respond in a cooperative way when counted by both parents and TOYA personnel, thus minimizing negative behaviour. In the event of more serious behaviour matters, a Child Discipline report will be written up and presented to the parents of the child/children involved. It is expected that parents will further help the children to understand the appropriate behaviour that is expected. At the discretion of the TOYA supervisor, a child may be asked to leave the for breaches of the behaviour code of conduct. Parents are encouraged to maintain close communication with the TOYA supervisor on matters that may, on occasion, cause your child to behave unusually. Strict confidentiality will be upheld.